Moravian University, previously Moravian College is located in the heart of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. I was glad to assist in helping transition their branding materials to match the schools new title. As well as helping to transition branding, I was able to develop animated stickers for social media, printed stickers, club/student organization logos, and social media filters for the University.

Instagram GIFS and Snapchat Filters
In addition to the physical sticker sheets, I created a series of Instagram Story stickers and Snapchat GeoFilters to be used during homecoming and the university commencement ceremonies.

Full Sticker Series
Click on a sticker to enlarge and see the animation!

Logos and T-Shirts
Moravian University has a very active student population with a diverse range of clubs and organizations. I was able to help create logos and t-shirt designs for some of these organizations including the KUBB and Equestrian Teams. I also developed a logo for the Swag Bash recycling program to help up-cycle and resell old Moravian gear to new students.

Print Flyers
Going with the different logos, many on campus events needed flyers for advertising. These flyers were intended to be eye-catching from a distance yet informative to the students passing by.